Tuesday 3 June 2008

F1RST P0ST!!!!! (Only joking.)

Hello. This here be the book of secrets of myself as Duel of Steel developer. This blog's basically a place for me to muse online, make jokes and wax lyrical about both DoS and anything else I feel like scribbling about.

I'm mired in A levels at the moment. My exams haven't actually started yet - I start a lot later than most of my friends by the simple expedient of not having any re-sits - and I have my first this Thursday. Yes I know I should be revising. I've been listening through my audio notes and internet surfing at the same time. So it counts, ok? :) Still, the revision and course work has shunted Duel of Steel brutally to the wayside for several months, along with all other personal projects. Luckily, I have a loooong summer ahead of me, so even with the hoped-for summer job, I'll have some time to work both on DoS and my armies. Which I need to finish, or in one case, start. All five of them.... yep.

(A couple monsters to paint up for my mammoth Tyranid swarm, 1500 of needs-painting Eldar infantry, 1850 odd of Battlefleet Gothic Chaos ships, a 500 point Cryx force for Warmachine, and a proposed 2000 points of Tomb Kings which I've barely started.

Yeah. Wish me luck.)

However!... I have aspirations for Duel of Steel. A big massive fluff revamp, as in huge amounts of new background and a full history; I want the game to be openended enough so people can easily make up their own background, like 40K is, but at the same time with a fleshed out background and a real gritty feel to it. Again like 40K is, I suppose.

As well as that, I intend to finish off my rules update. The advanced rules need redoing and I need to add in the scenarios to the basic ruleset, as well as a few other neat tactical things (strategic locations mainly - vantage points, killing fields and that, stuff that'll transform a game by the simple expedient of existing), which'll probably get written into the Advanced rules now that I think of it.

Weeeelll, I think that'll do for an intro... I won't post much, if at all, until after the exams (my last is on the 18th, so I might do some DoS work on the 19th, that is if I get up on the 19th), but as they say when they're trying to create an almost childishly false sense of suspense and expectation, "watch this space".

...I remember seeing that for the first time ever in a kids' magazine when I was 5 or 6, and being a literal minded child, staring intently at the blank space below the sentence, thinking it contained some sort of stereogram type effect. I was crushingly disappointed, realising eventually that it didn't mean that and I'd have to wait a month for the next issue to come out. Moral: Don't show idioms to kids, people.

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