Sunday 29 June 2008

So the first update is enacted!

Well, the first update is up! For six days now, actually. The forum has yielded results. A power boost to CCWs is the main rules change; the majority of edits have been corrections and clarifications, trying to tidy up the wording and fix confusing or bad rules. The next step, of course, is to playtest everything.

This is where it gets fiddly... There are programs you can use to play wargames over the internet, but I'm considering creating a dedicated Duel of Steel version myself. It wouldn't be an easy programming job, but it'd help a lot. Other than that I'm limited to people near me, and reports from anyone who manages to persuade their gaming group into helping them along. It's slow progress; as of yet the forum community consists of three people... (I have six members, including myself, but three of them don't do anything.) Luckily one of the other two does live near me, in fact I know him personally, so that enables him to come down and play. The other guy lives in Norway though...

Anyway, playtesting. Much needed. I have a feeling that after the recent health boost to all mechs (I doubled their hits, or Mass, during an update), the serious damage grids are going to fill up much more quickly than that health goes down, meaning 95% of kills will be from exploding reactors, or mechs will simply fall apart after having all their limbs blown off and then get ignored, even if they still have some 50-100 damage left! Whether this is true will show itself during testing, though.

Better get programming if I want that software any time soon...

Saturday 7 June 2008


Turns out that I'm going to be factionalising (is that a word?) anyway. I'd never intended to create army lists; DoS doesn't work like that. But this is now reversed and I'll be adding rules for some 15 different factions. Each with a special character.

Well, one of them's the 'mixed team' comprising of gangers from all different factions, so it doesn't really count. The other 14 will get rules though. It's going to go like this, I think...

- Individual special rules. A faction model, even if it's part of a mixed team, will get a couple of special rules that'll affect how it's built and/or its in-game effect. So an Emnian ganger, say, is immune to morale checks, but automatically fails Proximity tests and has to charge wherever possible. This places a greater role on manoeuvring and stuff, as the Emnian player tries to set up good charge angles and firing solutions, and the opponent tries to trick them into doing the opposite. I'll probably have to add another rule boosting their potency, mind, because the opponent has a slight advantage here methinks, and Emnians are always trying to be the best.

- Faction specific upgrades. Some of these will be allowed for faction models within a mixed team, others only for those in a uni-faction gang.

- Team-wide special rules, for when a team is comprised of one faction. Provides access to the special character as well (some characters won't join mixed teams - I can't see a normal gang putting up with the Warpriestess for example... yeah Warpriestess, the Light of the Angel special character. Think an unstable, zealous psychotic strapped to the front of a giant killing machine).

- A skill table. Models in a uni-faction team can buy a roll on this table before the game for, oh, +20 cogs or so. The skills should be quite significant, probably worth more than +20 if they were bought as upgrades. Special characters will have some of these as abilities, as well as the Leaders' Hard as Nails, which I can give to a couple of the factions' skill tables (Mercs and Die Hards [gangers who've largely set aside their affiliations in the name of fighting] come to mind).

I think that'd be enough... A page's worth of rules and a special character. No army list, no cheesy weapon or unit selections. Well, I hope, anyway; the characters are obviously going to be deservedly overpowered or unique, but of course with a correspondingly high cost!

Thursday 5 June 2008

The rules are up!

So I wasn't going to post the rules up on the internet until I'd finished the update, was I? *Facepalm.* Well... I'm putting them up anyway. They're perfectly playable as they are, so it won't hurt to let anyone take a look. The link on the left - 'DoS Current Rules Download' - will take you to the forum thread where I'll keep a link to the current update of the rules. It makes it easier than updating every link on every page...

All I can say is, thank God for MediaFire. Free file hosting for ze win.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

F1RST P0ST!!!!! (Only joking.)

Hello. This here be the book of secrets of myself as Duel of Steel developer. This blog's basically a place for me to muse online, make jokes and wax lyrical about both DoS and anything else I feel like scribbling about.

I'm mired in A levels at the moment. My exams haven't actually started yet - I start a lot later than most of my friends by the simple expedient of not having any re-sits - and I have my first this Thursday. Yes I know I should be revising. I've been listening through my audio notes and internet surfing at the same time. So it counts, ok? :) Still, the revision and course work has shunted Duel of Steel brutally to the wayside for several months, along with all other personal projects. Luckily, I have a loooong summer ahead of me, so even with the hoped-for summer job, I'll have some time to work both on DoS and my armies. Which I need to finish, or in one case, start. All five of them.... yep.

(A couple monsters to paint up for my mammoth Tyranid swarm, 1500 of needs-painting Eldar infantry, 1850 odd of Battlefleet Gothic Chaos ships, a 500 point Cryx force for Warmachine, and a proposed 2000 points of Tomb Kings which I've barely started.

Yeah. Wish me luck.)

However!... I have aspirations for Duel of Steel. A big massive fluff revamp, as in huge amounts of new background and a full history; I want the game to be openended enough so people can easily make up their own background, like 40K is, but at the same time with a fleshed out background and a real gritty feel to it. Again like 40K is, I suppose.

As well as that, I intend to finish off my rules update. The advanced rules need redoing and I need to add in the scenarios to the basic ruleset, as well as a few other neat tactical things (strategic locations mainly - vantage points, killing fields and that, stuff that'll transform a game by the simple expedient of existing), which'll probably get written into the Advanced rules now that I think of it.

Weeeelll, I think that'll do for an intro... I won't post much, if at all, until after the exams (my last is on the 18th, so I might do some DoS work on the 19th, that is if I get up on the 19th), but as they say when they're trying to create an almost childishly false sense of suspense and expectation, "watch this space".

...I remember seeing that for the first time ever in a kids' magazine when I was 5 or 6, and being a literal minded child, staring intently at the blank space below the sentence, thinking it contained some sort of stereogram type effect. I was crushingly disappointed, realising eventually that it didn't mean that and I'd have to wait a month for the next issue to come out. Moral: Don't show idioms to kids, people.